Friday, September 14, 2007

Chairman William Say

Modern Communism like
Modern Christianity.
Forget difficult bits.

Communism OK, provided, have
Class distinction

OK have working class
Eight hundred million
Farmers with piss buckets

Pay for my apartment, car,
clothes, cellphone, restaurants,
skyscrapers, maglev trains

Copy the West
right down to the corruption
but don't tell anybody


Anonymous said...

I have a little shadow who goes everywhere with me
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see
He is very very like me from the feet up to the head
And I see him go before me when i jump into my bed

Guess the poet.

William said...

See Chavez for modern socialism, that seems to be heading for communism. I am learning about Moa and it seems that communism is, was and always will be a load of bollocks. Humans are all too easily corrupted by power.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely or something like that...