Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wednesday Words

What the Buttocks Think

Don't tell me that nothing can be done.
The tongue says, "I know I can change things."
The toe says, "I have my ways"
The heart is weeping and remembering Eden.

Legs think that a good run will do it.
Tongue has free tickets; He'll fly to heaven.
But the buttocks see everything upside down:
They want you to put your head down there,

Remind the heart it was upside down
In the womb, so that when your mother,
Knowing exactly where she was going,
Walked upstairs, you weren't going anywhere.

(Robert Bly from Morning Poems)

Haiku (seventeen syllables, three lines with the middle one longest)

With a wave
My heart joins an unknown child
As the train speeds by



Anonymous said...

New to Haiku, but here goes; suitably serious but possibly super syllabic.

Inhaling life
The angel winged lungs flutter
In the infant chest

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you are new to Haiku! - you are too good.
The syllable count never seems right in any Haikus I read - and if they are translated from Japanese I guess the rule doesn't count. There is also supposed to be a reference, however remote, to the season. Flowers can mean spring, leaves autumn etc.
When it comes down to it there is no concise definition of a syllable if you ask me.

William said...

I'm trying to think of a Haiku, but so far no inspiration

Anonymous said...

When I turn
To watch you seek my laughter
I think it's Springtime!

Another haiku:

For lunch cause the tides amuk
And it's just my luck!


William said...

Glass dropped on stone floor
A leaf turns

It make sense to me, I was there!